Welcome to Widecombe

Widecombe in the Moor
This project is focused on increasing the quality of the visitor experience in Widecombe in the Moor, encouraging them to stay longer and get a deeper understanding of the heritage of the area.
The aim of the project is to provide a coherent series of signs, displays and leaflets which will interpret the historic nature of specific buildings, tin-mining and Victorian tourism. It will help tell the story of parish farming through the ages from Bronze Age settlement, the “lost medieval manor of the moor” through to present day.
Platform One were recently appointed to design the interpretive elements of the project and the designated work includes:
- A Welcome Board in the main car park
- Displays in the church
- Leaflets (for example, Welcome to Widecombe and Wartime Widecombe)
- Booklets – generic village information and a walking leaflet
- A variety of information posters, panels and displays to be distributed in suitable venues
- A family explorer trail around the village
- A Welcome to Widecombe interpretive website
Most of this design work is now complete and in situ.
In addition to the interpretation, the project has been supporting an archaeological investigation into the medieval North Hall Manor, with other exciting proposals being developed as the project progresses.
Want to know more?
Speak to Geoffrey Fenton
Tel: 01364 621334
Email: geoffrey.fenton@wildyeast.co.uk
Margaret Rogers
Tel: 01364 621235
Email: info@northhallmanor.co.uk
Andy Bailey
Tel: 01822 890903
Email: andy@moorthanmeetstheeye.org