Postbridge Haymeadows

This project aims to raise awareness and appreciation of the unique concentration of flower-rich haymeadows and pastures which remain in the areas around Postbridge and Dartmeet, through improvement in the management of existing meadows and involvement of the local community.

Haymeadows are entirely the product of human management, and are an important part of the area’s local heritage. Whilst around 80% of the fields are in some sort of agri-environment agreement, most are not managed optimally due to difficulties with access, the size of the fields, and a lack of suitable stock or machinery. Whilst some local guided haymeadow walks already take place, and the national park authority provides some guidance on haymeadow creation, these initiatives are at present small-scale and uncoordinated.

Since the start Moor than meets the eye Community Ecologist has been working with landowners to improve the management of the haymeadows and address some of the challenging issues in taking care of this type of environment. To date, advice and management has been introduced in seven separate locations. Volunteer groups have also contributed by undertaking practical tasks such as scrub clearance and bracken control. A group of farming professionals are generously volunteering their time to form a hay seed marketing co-operative which is currently undertaking a feasibility study that is looking into ways for landowners to work together and share seed harvesting machinery. It also promotes the sale of green hay via the Moor Meadows Exchange Group.

Haymeadows Walk

The Community Ecologist leads a guided walk through one of our wonderful haymeadows

Through community and education events our Community Ecologist has also been working with meadow owners and Natural England to promote opportunities for the public to visit and learn more about our precious haymeadows. With up to twenty events planned over three years, those delivered successfully so far have included a Brimpts Farm Meadow Walk, a series of ‘Wildlife Wednesday’ family drop in events during the school holidays, attendance at the Meldon Wild Life Festival, a community drop in event at Postbridge, a Haymeadows Festival and a family fun day.

In addition to this, interpretation boards have been designed to highlight the importance of the haymeadows, and to enhance visitors' knowledge and understanding.

Want to know more?

Speak to Chris Giles, Head of Conservation and Land Management

Read more

Last update: 06 Apr 2018 3:00pm